Pleased to share our new work entitled "Reshaping the ISAC Tradeoff Under OFDM Signaling: A Probabilistic Constellation Shaping Approach" accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, where we investigated the sensing performance of OFDM-ISAC signals modulated with PSK/QAM symbols. The random communication data embedded in the OFDM signal results in severe variability in the sidelobes of its ambiguity function (AF), which leads to missed detection of weak targets and false detection of ghost targets, thereby impairing the sensing performance. To cope with this issue, we characterized the random AF of OFDM communication signals, and proposed a probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) approach to maximize the achievable information rate (AIR) while controlling the variance of the sensing AF. The paper has just been published online in the IEEE TSP. You may wish to check more details at: #ISAC #6G #SignalProcessing
Kudos Fan! Informative work!
Congratulations professor
Research Scientist at New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi
5moInteresting work, thank you for sharing !