Learn Business Chinese, glimpse financial intrigues. Sip a cup of murky wine, and watch the clouds roll by. 学商务中文,瞥金融内幕。品一壶浊酒,赏云卷云舒。 The Chairman of Harvest Fund Management, one of China's leading fund companies, has been accused by the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability of funneling $31 million in benefits to a prominent American political family. 中国一流基金公司嘉实基金董事长被美国众议院监督和问责委员会指控向美国顶级政治家族输送利益达3100万美元。 1. 关联公司 Affiliated Company 2. 另类投资 Alternative Investment 3. 资产管理规模 Asset Under Management 4. 非政府组织 Non-Government Organization 5. 砸盘 Crushing the Market 6. 卖空 Short Selling
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