Coaching is not the same as advising or mentoring. In these roles, you tap into YOUR expertise and wisdom to share it with the other person. #coachingculture #coachapproachtoleadership #unleashpotential
Cultivate a Coaching Culture in your company to drive team and individual performance and employee retention and engagement. Coaching is not the same as advising or mentoring. In these roles, you tap into YOUR expertise and wisdom to share it with the other person. A coach recognizes that the other person is already whole, resourceful, and capable. So the coach taps into THEIR expertise and wisdom to create better results. The next time someone comes to you with a question, try coaching rather than solving. You can open with some great questions such as: -What is the real challenge here? -How can I help? -How will you know you have the right answer? -What have you already tried/considered? -What's missing that would help you solve this? Maintain the coaching presence. Most of the time, your team asks questions, not because they don't know or are incapable of figuring it out - but because they need assurance, validation, support, etc. Are you ready to adopt and master a coach approach to leadership? Let's talk!
Jesus Lover | Helping others gain their life back through overall health | Hope dealer | Crohnie survivor
9moSo many don’t realize this