latest in ukrainian dictatorship: unanimous vote in parliament affirming legitimacy of president zelensky’s mandate, unconstitutionality of elections because of ongoing russian invasion and calling for immediate elections after war is over.
Please put word "dictatorship" in quotes for those that don't realize the context (i.e. ignorant comments of trump)
Waiting for next Trant
It's refreshing to see there are still sensible people alive in other parts of the world.
I invite anyone who called for election during war in Kherson! I will give a room without pay! Yesterday GRAD arrived 90m from my house!
Kim Kilian Suppan Exactly, so why advocate that the Ukraine Paliament can do same because they are representatives of the people. The war is already being brought to an end and negotiations are underway. Why not wait for conclusion of negotiations to set an election calender , instead of voting for continuation of Presidency without an election.
Ian, sorry, but WTF are you trying to convey?
Not necessarily the constitutional framework I would have gone for, but they’re holding to the constitutional framework under Article 83, which was ratified in 1996. I wouldn’t call that a dictatorship given the circumstances.
Senior Threat Hunting Investigator, Father, Husband, Veteran
3wWhat's the 12 vote category? Absences?