University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Pushing for High Yield Soybeans in a Low-Income Environment Connor Sible a crop scientist at the University of Illinois, is working to increase soybean yield dramatically. He says he loves pushing that envelope. “I think #soybean has untapped potential and there are many more bushels to be gained. But one of the challenges when we talk about high yield is that it usually means higher inputs and more inputs, and that, then, has higher costs associated. In today's markets and such, we're looking maybe to reduce our costs and inputs to make sure that profitability stays high as well. You know, it's not just how many bushels per acre, it's how many dollars profit per acre at the same time.” The university researcher says four things come to mind when considering how to manage soybean inputs for profitability. The first is mechanical. The crop scientist insists farmers need to have the planter and the combine set to optimize operations. Things like seed spacing and depth at planting, as well as setting the combine each time it enters a new field. “That's just the easiest way to capture as much yield, and there's no additional cost asked for that one. Weed and disease management. You know, anything in high yield doesn't help if you have something taking yield away, so we have to prioritize those inputs first because any input you do beyond the pest management won't have any benefit if you have pests that are in the way. Seeding rates and variety selection, you know that bags of seeds pretty much cost the same no matter which maturity group you're going out for, so maybe we should start changing our maturity group selection with a same cost but a different variety type approach. And then a new seed treatment. I think that's probably the most economical input area where we can see yield gains with not as much of an upfront cost.” Connor Sible is in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. #ussoy #soybean #soybeanmeal #soybeanoil
Iani A. CHIHAIA’s Post
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Midslope, composite sampling and applying fertility based on that is a joke. In this public example - a farmer would be OVER APPLYING regularly - wasting fertilizer, harming the environment and losing profitability. On the Ag in Motion site we have managed the precision ag applications for the Discovery Farm since inception. Of interest - the field average soil tests the lowest on residual N every year - despite receiving the highest N rates. The other zones receive less N (dry and saline areas) yet still always have high residuals. Midslope, composite sampling only - the standard practice - is a disaster. Stop acting like it’s a good practice - it is not.
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