Another highlight from the Fragile Lives 2024 program - Building Resilience in Syria: The Role of Evidence in Development Programming In this session, Tilman Brück, Ghassan Baliki, Annette Chammas and Peter McDermott will provide an overview of how to generate rigorous evidence on development and livelihood programming in difficult places like Syria. Some questions you might hear discussed: 🔹 What role does evidence play in development programming in fragile and conflict-affected settings like Syria? 🔹 How can cooperation between researchers, implementers and donors be achieved to increase impact and cost-effectiveness? 🔹 How can donor organizations invest in learning and incorporate evidence into future programming and planning in fragile and conflict-affected settings? 🔹 What are the remaining challenges in working in a volatile setting like Syria? We’re very grateful for the support from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to make this session possible! Join us at Fragile Lives 2024: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Humboldt University of Berlin) Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) #FragileLives #Syria #conference
Is there a chance that this session would be in a hybrid form?
Development and Humanitarian Practitioner.
6moGreat - Is learnings from the BLRS program will be shared? The session ppt or key notes will be available at later stage? Thanks