Recruiters who take control and advise clients towards a decision win a lot more business They don’t allow the process to be protracted and for the client to dictate outcomes The more choice you give the longer it takes people to decide if they decide at all 😅 Recruiters be like this with hiring managers ⬇️👌 We are “consultants” after all, right?
It’s more that he asks which one will you reject therefore implying you will buy the other one. Back in the days of selling Times appointments ads with senior roles we called it assumptive selling
Love this bud - thanks for sharing! So important to get the balance between Stuff and Stress!! Choosing between 2 pairs of shoes is 'just enough' :) ....3 pairs causes stress and no decision :(
A clear, decisive approach wins every time.
Boy have I started to grasp this concept this week. Too much choice and too much time kills deals!
Thanks for sharing this insightful perspective.
Less is more 🙌
Chris O’Connell🍀, thanks for sharing this insightful perspective.
I've learned to give a LOT less choice of the years. If you're the expert, and they're the client, they won't know which option to go for most of the time so if you give them a long leash they're immediately half way out the door it's true
Love this Chris! Taking control and guiding clients towards a decision is a game-changer. I watched this episode and really enjoyed it! 👌
Legal Recruitment Specialist | Recruitment Consultant Advisor | Recruitment Sourcer @ DWF via AMS
3wWe're there to be advisor and partners, not just order takers and order fillers. We are there to add value!!