Sheer madness, indeed. Broken, outdated and unsustainable are other words that come to mind. In a payment system that: • Values fee for service over connection to quality and outcomes. See more patients, do more with less and create the provider burn out inferno we now see. • Extends no inflationary update in reimbursement. Every year, providers take a pay cut due to inflation alone. From 2002 to 2023, providers are operating at 26% below its accompanying inflation rate. • Requires budget neutrality. Every year there are winners and losers and everyone get a turn on both sides but nobody ever comes out ahead. • Creates uneven payment advantages through an outdated RVU system. All healthcare is not created equal in the eyes of the RVU system. It’s no wonder why every year the great MPFS debate starts in the summer and everyone holds their breath for the Final Rule each November. Real change starts at the foundation, through alternative payment models and outdated provisions and legislation being lifted and revised to confront the reality of CMS spending. #medicare #healthcarefinance #hfma
Jennifer M Worthy, MBA’s Post
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This should be a major RED FLAG 🚩 for all providers! However, it also creates a significant leverage point for providers who know how to use it at the negotiating table. Payers need broad networks to maintain MA market share and profits. Providers can use that to their advantage at the bargaining table…payers need you more than you need them when it comes to MA. Remember, seniors don’t change doctors, and if forced to decide between keeping an insurer or their provider, 99.9% will change insurers….ask any broker! Learn how to leverage MA with Payers to increase reimbursements. 👉 #EllsworthConsulting #HealthcareInnovation #ConsultingServices #HealthcareLeadership #PayerNegotiations #HealthcareConsulting
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