Is there a different way one can think about running an organization? Yes there is! And an article was written about this in November 29th Globe and Mail. Have you considered fractional leadership? Would you like to find out more about this - what it could look like, what the costs may be, what the advantages may be? If so, please reach out to any of us at The Osborne Group
This article from today's G&M, highlights the growing use of fractional executives. It's a space where the principals at The Osborne Group have been operating for more than 30 years. Our tagline -- When we are needed, for as long as we're needed. Seems like we're trending. Top talent without the full-time price tag: The rise of fractional executives BRENDA BOUW Special to The Globe and Mail Published November 29, 2024 Updated 1 hour ago Examples of fractional positions include chief financial officer, chief marketing officer, chief operating officer and chief technology officer - all executive-type roles that require specific skills, knowledge and expertise. Jonathan Yapp has founded and run a few tech companies during his 20-plus-year career, but today, instead of focusing on one company, he divides his time between two or three startups at a time, for about eight to 20 hours a week each. “There are a lot of us founders who are at the mid-to-later stages in our careers who enjoy helping out different companies,” says Mr. Yapp, 48, who is based in Vancouver. Mr. Yapp is what’s known as a fractional executive, a term being used more frequently in the postpandemic era to describe professionals who work a fraction of the time compared to a full-time role, often dividing their working hours between multiple companies. These arrangements are similar to freelance or consulting, but they tend to be workers with high-level, strategic roles embedded in a company for a fixed number of hours per week or month. The shift is driven by the normalization of remote work and the growing number of seasoned professionals seeking more variety and flexibility in their schedules. Fractional work is also advantageous for cash-strapped startups and small- and medium-sized businesses looking to tap top talent without the full-time price tag. Examples of fractional positions include chief financial officer (CFO), chief marketing officer (CMO), chief operating officer (COO) and chief technology officer (CTO) – all executive-type roles that require specific skills, knowledge and expertise. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, authors Tomoko Yokoi and Amy Bonsall did a LinkedIn search that found more than 110,000 individuals worldwide with English language profiles identified as fractional leaders as of early 2024, compared to 2,000 in 2022.