Renowned historian Anthony Beevor shares a thought-provoking essay on the current global landscape, shedding light on the prevalent geopolitical uncertainties. While his viewpoints may not align with everyone's, Beevor's analysis encourages us to contemplate the pressing challenges, especially in Western societies. Explore his compelling insights here:
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Why do we need history and historians? Because they can provide an analysis that puts current issues and events in a wider context. Antony Beevor traces the issues behind and resulting from a misguided belief in imposing progressivism from the top down. We could ask if the progressivist push has put democracy itself at risk? Perhaps most worrying are the anti-democratic sentiments of too many young men. We've been there before- whether it was the antidemocratic fervor and ideologies of the left or the right. The next decade will be crucial for Western democracy - including in NZ- and in such a time we need history as a discipline and as a source of knowledge and decision-making more than ever. In the old cold war there was also a cultural cold war that was based in a demand for cultural freedom and a base set of beliefs regarding the value of western cultural knowledge and creation. But do we have this today? What is it that we value? And why?
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Democracy Under Siege: The Rise of Authoritarianism in a Global Context In the annals of history, democracy has been heralded as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to freedom, equality, and justice. However, in recent years, this sacred principle seems to be facing unprecedented challenges across the globe.
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As the US faces extreme polarization and Europe strives to preserve fragile democratic values, the future of both regions hinges on the choices made by their citizens, not just their leaders. It’s up to all of us to confront today’s real challenges and protect democracy for future generations. Follow link to insightful article by Mark Mazower from Columbia University that provides great historical perspectives on facism vs democracy.👇 #Democracy #Facism #USPolitics #EuropeanUnity #ColumbiaUniversity #FinancialTimes
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A well-researched, comprehensive essay examining the dynamics that interplay between democracy, capitalism, and civic virtue… as well as some suggested adjustments to improve the trend of decreasing confidence in democracy and capitalism. While written with a U.S. lens, I imagine there is wider ethical applicability to global markets, governments, and hallmarks of citizenship that lead to a better human experience.
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A History of Steady Societal Progress Over nearly four centuries, the United States has seen its political parties evolve through peaceful, incremental change - not violent upheaval. Even in times of great turmoil, like the Civil War and the Great Depression, the transition of power has been marked by a commitment to democratic governance, not radical societal overhaul. Realigning for the Modern Era Today, we are witnessing another great political realignment, as voters - particularly from minority communities and the working class - are reevaluating their allegiances. This shift is not a temporary backlash, but a fundamental reordering of the political landscape, driven by a recognition that the Democratic Party of the past no longer reflects their values and interests. A New Vision for America Just as the Republican Party rose to prominence after the Civil War, and the Democratic Party's New Deal coalition emerged from the Great Depression, this current realignment presents an opportunity to reimagine American politics for the 21st century. By embracing the evolutionary nature of our institutions, we can chart a course towards a more inclusive, responsive, and prosperous future for all.
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A must-read for everybody concerned with avoiding further US involvement in unnecessary wars around the world. - For Realists understanding power is as crucial as having decent human values. - Political leaders failing to understand power in international politics will overreach. - At best overreach leads to setbacks and stagnation, loss of jobs, and polarization at home - At worst what follows from overreach is the destruction of not just social values but also human lives at large scale.
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The time to merely resist is over; the moment demands the creation of a compelling and actionable alternative to the dominant political and economic systems. The persistence of neoliberalism, whether in its moderate or aggressive forms, lies largely in the absence of a comprehensive vision that can replace it in its entirety. Emancipatory forces must urgently develop new constitutions, frameworks, and systems that prioritize collective well-being, ecological balance, and economic justice – transformative ideals that can inspire public demand and unify disparate movements. Pushing these alternatives into the public consciousness and political agenda through every available means, from grassroots mobilization to cultural production, is not merely a strategy but a historical imperative. The failure to do so risks leaving humanity locked in the cycle of deepening inequality, ecological collapse, and authoritarian regression.
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Worth a read, if you're interested in an informed and insightful perspective on how we got where we are and where we are going. And never forget, "Those who prevent peaceful revolution make violent revolution inevitable." Although it might already be too late. We'll find THAT out over the next 4-5 years.
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These are exciting times in the United States of America and around the globe. As the curtain comes down on negativity, the aftermath of the Covid pandemic and overt discontent. We are reminded of the unmistakable privilege of residing in the most fortunate nation in the world. Our best and greatest have ensured and continue to guarantee, that we will live free in perpetuity. In a few short days, the world will witness another turning of the page, away from the darkness that is; the idea that dictatorship and chaos combined with strange and dangerous bedfellows, enemies of freedom and global harmony, somehow benefits U.S. citizens and the free world. This wicked and corrosive notion shall take its place among the abnormal, absurd, rejected and peculiar to be replaced by a fresh vision of a better nation, safer existence and a genuine strengthening of the prospect of a harmonious future. While we understand this revitalization will not result in a perfect world, we can applaud the notion that U.S. citizens will, once again, return to a civil stage that welcomes passionate discourse, respectful and tranquil demeaner and vigorous debate of policy intended to improve lives. It remains our hope that we've learned from divisive influences that we are empowered when we are united. Differences in our cultures are the essential catalyst for the world's leading democracy or democratic republic. Regardless of race or cultural differences, each of us has an opportunity to bring our best to the table of positive vision, enlightenment, personal growth and camaraderie. Let's imagine for one inspiring moment, a safer nation that: rejects crime and corruption, promotes education at all levels, welcomes orderly legal migration of the best people on the globe, a healthcare system committed to providing the best care to women and its citizenry, a vibrant and strong economy every U.S. citizen, regardless of party, can acknowledge and celebrate, a U.S. Constitution that remains a dignified tower of strength for freedom and discoveries that will solve existential global environmental threats, disease and advance technological science for the betterment of planetary life. Indeed, in just a few days, the dark curtain shall rise, light will take center stage and one of the least desired pages in world history will be turned to reveal life treasures the United States of America holds in reserve, to share with a deserving resilient, tranquil global community. Photo credits: Philadelphia Inquirer #business #2024election
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How do we #OvercomePolarization? For Mark Freeman, IFIT’s Founder and Executive Director, and Hilary Pennington, Ford Foundation’s Executive Vice President of Programs, tackling #polarization requires attention to civil discourse, especially in the “year of elections”. Read this new piece by Economist Impact, the first in a series of articles that form the backdrop to a Ford-IFIT-Economist event collaboration: 🔗 We invite you to learn more about IFIT and Ford’s Global Initiative on Polarization, which examines cross-cutting and practice-relevant challenges at the nexus of polarization and social justice, aiming to strengthen existing tools for bridge-building and enhanced civic engagement and pluralism: 🔗 #IFIT #peacebuilding #CivicEngagement
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