Jonathan Baird,CFA’s Post

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Commodities vs. Equities: What History Tells Us About Future Bull Markets A theme that runs through our posts is our belief in the value of paying attention to extremes of behaviour in markets, for such behaviour contains valuable information and often offers clues to impending trend changes. The accompanying chart offers one such market extreme in the form of the historically low level of the GSCI Commodity Index versus the S&P 500 in recent years. The valuation ratio between commodities and equities can be expected to oscillate over time, with the three low points for commodities in the past 50 years coinciding with narrowly lead bull markets in stocks: the Nifty Fifty, the Internet Bubble, and the current FAANG/Magnificent 7 era. What the two previous lows for commodities had in common, and also likely the current third example, is that they ultimately resolved to produce sharp bull markets in commodities. When we see evidence of a bullish trend change in commodities remains to be seen. What we are far more confident of is that it will inevitably occur. The strong growth of large emerging markets such as India will increase demand for a broad range of commodities, while the switch by most major central banks to cut interest rates will likely serve to stoke inflationary pressures, which has often coincided with rising commodity markets. The very low allocation to commodities by institutional money managers, combined with the modest sizes of many commodity markets, suggests that a meaningful shift of capital into the sector will produce very sharp price moves. Forewarned is forearmed, and we are closely monitoring commodity markets so that we are prepared to profit when trend changes become evident. The connected nature of markets, especially in this current macro-driven investment environment, means that prudent investors should monitor all asset classes. Each month in our paid service, the Global Investment Letter, I update my investing activities, as well as comment on major global equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity markets. If you found this post of interest, you’ll find the Global Investment Letter of value. To view free sample issues of our paid service and to receive our free (exclusive to those that sign-up) weekly investment comment please visit: #commodities #equities #stocks #bullmarkets #money #economy #investing #trader #trading

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