The Ultimate Excel CHEAT SHEET for Financial Professionals 📊🔥 Excel is an accountant's most valuable tool, and knowing its most useful functions can save you HOURS of time every week. ⏱️ Let’s dive in 👇 ➡️ ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS YOU NEED TO KNOW 📈 SUMIFS - my go-to for summing stuff with conditions. This is how I aggregate detailed financial statements in to pretty summary dashboards. =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...) COUNTIF - basically the same idea but counts instead of sums. =COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...) SUBTOTAL - useful for aggregating information while excluding other subtotaled values =SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1, [ref2], ...) ➡️ DATA MANAGEMENT🔍 VLOOKUP is dead to me...but I recognize many still use it 🙄 XLOOKUP is the new and improved version and can look up information in BOTH DIRECTIONS. =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode]) If you’re scared of XLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH is my personal favorite. While both achieve the same, INDEX-MATCH for me has easier syntax =INDEX(array, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])) --- ➡️ FINANCE CALCULATIONS 💰 NPV - calculate net present value =NPV(rate, value1, [value2], ...) XIRR - returns the internal rate of return for scheduled cash flows =XIRR(values, dates, [guess]) PMT - have a loan/mortgage? Use PMT to calculate what you owe and when =PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type]) --- ➡️ SHORTCUTS I USE EVERYDAY 🏎️ Ctrl + Arrow Keys - jumps to the end of data regions🏃♂️ Alt + W V G - removes gridlines. Makes screenshots look 10x better for presentations. ✨ Ctrl + T - Tables are what separates the pros from the amateurs🏆 Ctrl + Shift + L - toggle filters SHIFT + SPACE - Select entire row. --- ➡️ DEBUGGING ERRORS #DIV/0! - you divided by zero. Wrap it in IFERROR or just check with an IF statement first #VALUE! - usually means Excel's confused about data types. #REF! - deleted something important. Time to hit undo #NAME? - either typo in function name or Excel add-in not active. --- ➡️ CRITICAL EXCEL FEATURES Data validation lists - create an easy drop-down with any information Named ranges - makes formulas actually readable. Custom formatting - change the way a cell appears while keeping it’s identity the same Conditional formatting rules - set thresholds to highlight problems before they're problems. Tables with structured references - Tables unlock amazing functionality in Excel and makes it really easy to then manipulate your data --- That’s my take on the most important features in Excel for finance & accounting professionals. But there’s so much more…so what did I miss? Share in the comments below 👇
You may want to correct your Alt W F F. It's Freeze Pane and not paste.
Another helpful shortcut Alt A H and Alt A J - to close and open grouped columns.
Useful takeaway
Very helpful
So much value💡
@Anthony Hi I notice your open to work post and wanted to commend you on taking this proactive step in your career search, your skills truly standout and I'd love to connect and explore how I can assist you in finding the right opportunity
A must-read post
Supevisor at XBS
1wIsn't Alt W F F freezes pane?