Juan Alicea’s Post

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Medical cannabis advocate for veterans

NORML The US Drug Enforcement Administration is now accepting comments from the public until July 22, 2024 on whether to reclassify cannabis. NORML's step-by-step submission guide and talking points will assist you in taking part in this once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape federal cannabis policy. Take Action This is a unique opportunity for patients, physicians, state-licensed business owners, and others to provide first-hand insight to administrators affirming the safety and efficacy of cannabis, as well as the economic opportunities afforded by legal cannabis markets. The US Department of Health and Services based its recommendation largely upon real-world clinical evidence gathered from legal states. Your submission will help to reaffirm their conclusions that cannabis “has a currently accepted medical use” and that its abuse potential does not warrant its placement as either a Schedule I or Schedule II controlled substance. SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS We have provided comments for you that affirm and further substantiate HHS’ historic recommendations. But in order to maximize the influence of these submissions, we are asking you to personalize them so that they reflect your unique story. For example, if you are a patient who has been able to reduce your use of opioids with medical cannabis, please share your experience. If you reside in a state where medical cannabis is legal and you have witnessed the positive health and economic impacts of this policy change, please elaborate. If you are a physician and you have seen your patients respond favorably to cannabis therapy, now is the time to share your expert opinion. If you operate a state-licensed cannabis business and you have been struggling to make ends meet because of 280E requirements, explain how this federal policy change will benefit you economically. Your stories hold power. But they won’t be the only stories regulators hear. Our political opponents are encouraging their members to weigh in with negative comments urging administrators to keep cannabis in Schedule I. We must push back against their scare tactics and sensational claims. We must do so with one voice and by providing a clear and concise message: That cannabis has legitimate medical utility and that it doesn’t possess the same potential for abuse as substances in either Schedule I or Schedule II. While NORML strongly believes that cannabis should be removed from the CSA altogether – thereby harmonizing federal cannabis policy with those of most US states – we nonetheless do not oppose the factual basis underlying HHS’ recommendation to move botanical cannabis to Schedule III or lower. That is why we have been coordinating with other reform groups in recent weeks so that we, as a movement, can deliver a consistent persuasive message. This is your opportunity to influence the most significant change in federal marijuana law in over five decades. Please send your public comment

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