My new post shows how referral rejection rates support my research on cost reports and declining margins for HHAs and how they contradict the same measures published by CMS and MedPAC.
Kalon Mitchell’s Post
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In a world where 50% of calls might go unanswered or dropped every day, ChiroCallGuardian stands as your ally, turning potential losses into gains, missed calls into moments of care, and uncertainty into confident growth. Learn more about our newest service by visiting #healthychiropractice #uppercervicalcare #uppercervicalmarketing #ucmarketing #HCP
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In a world where 50% of calls might go unanswered or dropped every day, ChiroCallGuardian stands as your ally, turning potential losses into gains, missed calls into moments of care, and uncertainty into confident growth. Learn more about our newest service by visiting #healthychiropractice #uppercervicalcare #uppercervicalmarketing #ucmarketing #HCP
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Check out how the Patient Ombudsman of Ontario is transforming patient care with Workpro's innovative case management solutions! 🌟 From streamlining processes to enhancing patient satisfaction, this case study is a must-read. Dive into the details here: #HealthcareInnovation #PatientCare #TechInHealthcare
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Causation based IME update. Having worked with other IME providers, we are 100% certain that Veritas is the first provider that will be offering : 1. Causation focussed IME with a novel approach, designed by medical experts, delivered by medical experts and peer reviewed by medical experts. 2. Independent research of medical evidence which is crucial in view of the amendments of the Act 3. Robust QA and, first in the industry, peer reviews reports 4. Turnaround time less than a week, NEVER offered by any providers 5. Fees up to 50% less than other providers in WA. 5 Reasons we are here to make a difference and no reason to doubt this will raise the bar for IME assessments within the first 3 months of a workplace injury. Bookings are rapidly filled as we work towards increasing availability. To hear more, Richard Harben, General Manager will be proud to elaborate further on 0405317385 or [email protected]
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Testimonial Day! We’re thrilled to share the positive feedback from our valued clients who have found our SFRs to be incredibly helpful. Thank you for choosing and trusting us! A service you can rely on, with feedback that speaks for itself! Your continued trust means everything to us. For more information, reach out to us at [email protected] or visit #Client #Results #SFRMedical #Testimonial #Medicalevidence
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CQC has this week opened a new survey seeking feedback on how well people understand it's new assessment approach. The survey consists of a series of both multiple choice and open questions about people's knowledge of the new single assessment process and the effectiveness of CQC's different methods of engagement. The open questions include the following: - Can you describe the role of Quality Statements in CQC's new approach; - Can you describe how scoring will work in CQC's regulatory approach; - Can you describe how frequently we'll assess providers on our new approach; - In your view what are the benefits of our new regulatory approach; - Can you describe the functionality you're expecting in CQC's new provider portal; - In your view what are the benefits of our new provider portal. CQC appears to be carrying out some well overdue reflection. I encourage all registered providers as well as anyone who has had experience of the SAF to provide their direct feedback. In light of recent developments, this could be a key moment to ensure CQC hears how the SAF and provider portal is working (or not working) in practice. The survey closes on 19 July 2024 - please visit the link below to take part.
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Home Health Prospective Payment System Grouper: January Update Get the January 2025 release (Version 06.0.25 (ZIP)) See Home Health Prospective Payment System Grouper Software for a summary of changes. More Information: Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 10 (PDF), section 80 Instruction to your Medicare Administrative Contractor (PDF)
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From #SantaClaus to Joshua Legler, Clay Mann, Jennifer Correa, Kevin Nicholes MS, Benjamin Fisher, Monet Iheanacho, the entire of the NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center team, Dia Gainor, and the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO): This is a holiday present for any #Fire or #EMS #Ambulance #CriticalCare #CP_MIH service that wants to share #ePCR data with a health information exchange or #hospital but is afraid that it costs too much to do so: CHARGING AGENCIES TO EXPORT OR CONVERT YOUR ePCR FOR INTEROPERABILITY WITH A PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE -- IF YOU DID NOT AGREE TO THAT FEE AT THE TIME YOU OBTAINED THE ePCR ITSELF -- MAY BE A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. See link below: "If the fees to export or convert data from the technology were not agreed to in writing *at the time the technology was acquired*, then the “Fees Exception” would not be available and such fees could implicate the information blocking definition unless another exception applies." heads up Brendan Keeler , Samuel C. Roods , Timi Leslie
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The Professional Standards Authority’s 2024 performance review of the HCPC is finally out. They’ve again failed to meet 2 FTP standards - timeliness of investigations (failed for the 8th consecutive year) and managing risk (failures included allowing someone charged with a serious offence against a patient to continue to practise for 3 months). How is it that they’re allowed to continually fail the public and registrants year after year with no apparent consequences or accountability? The Health and Care Professions Council
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