Brain Health Breakthrough is concerned at the government’s recent announcement on disability welfare reforms and the potential impact on those we support. ONS latest figures show there are now around 2 million in the UK with Long Covid, and half of those have had it for two years or more. Long Covid is an energy-limiting condition which profoundly impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including employment, financial security, self-care, mobility and quality of life. Many with Long Covid are now in receipt of disability benefits, particularly PIP. Reforms that introduce extra barriers to claiming benefits may mean those most in need are likely to lose out. Losing PIP may also mean some of those in work may struggle to continue, as all their energy is expended in attempting to cope without support for daily living. There is not enough evidence of reasonable adjustments options being put into practice for people to work from home or do flexible working. We support people with Long Covid, many of whom sadly have not been able to return to work. People in our community would love suitable opportunities to work. However, the 1950’s system we have can't think outside the box. We employ people with Long Covid and operate effectively and sustainably as a team. For some, it is possible with the right support. #LongCovid #WelfareReforms #FlexibleWorking #ReasonableAdjustments
Karen Haworth’s Post
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Brain Health Breakthrough is concerned at the government’s recent announcement on disability welfare reforms and the potential impact on those we support. ONS latest figures show there are now around 2 million in the UK with Long Covid, and half of those have had it for two years or more. Long Covid is an energy-limiting condition which profoundly impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including employment, financial security, self-care, mobility and quality of life. Many with Long Covid are now in receipt of disability benefits, particularly PIP. Reforms that introduce extra barriers to claiming benefits may mean those most in need are likely to lose out. Losing PIP may also mean some of those in work may struggle to continue, as all their energy is expended in attempting to cope without support for daily living. There is not enough evidence of reasonable adjustments options being put into practice for people to work from home or do flexible working. We support people with Long Covid, many of whom sadly have not been able to return to work. People in our community would love suitable opportunities to work. However, the 1950’s system we have can't think outside the box. We employ people with Long Covid and operate effectively and sustainably as a team. For some, it is possible with the right support. #LongCovid #WelfareReforms #FlexibleWorking #ReasonableAdjustments
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Today continues my preview of this year’s ABA Joint Committee on Employee Benefits 35th Annual Health and Welfare Plans National Institute, which is now seven days away. The afternoon of day 1 kicks off with a panel on gender affirming care, which is fast becoming a new flashpoint in the culture wars. For group health plans, the questions are simple – is there a requirement to cover gender affirming care? And, if so, does that requirement extend to adolescents? The answers are not simple, and they are quickly changing. As bottom, the question involves the interpretation of select civil rights and disability laws. Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in specified health programs and activities, is also front and center. Before April of this year, the answer was likely “yes” on both counts: employer-sponsored group health plans were likely required to cover gender affirming care including for adolescents based on Supreme Court precedent that was admittedly less than perfectly clear. With the issuance of final regulations under ACA Section 1557 the answer was a clear yes for at least a large swath of group health plans, but how large or swath was not at all clear. Then in July, two federal district court judges blocked the final ACA Section 1557 rules, in part in one instance in total in another. These and other cases have opened the floodgates of litigation leaving employers unsure of what the rules are. Moreover, the is happening at a time when both the underlying clinical and legal standards are changing. The questions involving the scope of ACA Section 1557 and the accompanying constitutional framework have left employers with little in the way of reliable guidance. While self-funded plans have the benefit of ERISA preemption where plan design is concerned, states still retain the right to regulate providers and clinical standards. Many “red” states have adopted rules barring gender affirming care, at least where minors are concerned, while some “blue” states seek to protect it. The dynamics are similar in many respects to the questions relating to travel related benefits for the purpose of obtaining reproductive health care. The program takes place on October 17-18, 2024, in Washington, D.C. You can register here:
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🎉VICTORY!🎉 With Bet Tzedek as a catalyst for this change, Medi-Cal has implemented a new policy allowing electronic signatures on Medi-Cal forms, as outlined in All-County Welfare Directors Letter (ACWDL) 24-18. This is a significant milestone. Bet Tzedek advocated on behalf of several clients with disabilities who were unable to physically sign forms but could electronically sign. By highlighting the critical need for this accommodation, our efforts directly influenced this important policy change. Previously, Medi-Cal required an original, physical signature on forms — even from clients who were paralyzed or otherwise unable to sign. During summer 2023, Bet Tzedek's law clerk Justin Kaley wrote an exceptional brief outlining the legal basis for accepting electronic signatures and arguing that it was a necessary disability accommodation. This change is already having a profound impact, reducing barriers for applicants and enabling more efficient service delivery. It’s rare to see DHCS implement changes like this so quickly, but this time it happened — and it’s making a tangible difference for our clients.
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Why does skilling and employment for Persons with Disability matter beyond welfare? In Episode 2 of the CSR Vocal Series, we dive deep into a crucial question: While many policies prioritize welfare for Persons with Disability, why does skilling and employment take precedence for real empowerment? Our guest shares insightful experiences and outcomes that showcase why moving beyond welfare to skilling is vital for building inclusive growth, self-sufficiency, and a society where every individual thrives. Catch the full discussion to understand the transformative power of skill-based inclusion and how it's redefining the future for Persons with Disability. #CFChangingLives #Health4All #Future4All #CSRVocalSeries #DisabilityInclusion #SkillDevelopment #BeyondWelfare #EmpowermentThroughEmployment #GRAAM Cognizant Foundation Deepak Prabhu Matti (he/him) Dr. Basavaraju R Shreshta
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What does it truly mean to empower persons with disabilities? Check out this short clip from the Grassroots Research And Advocacy Movement(GRAAM)'s CSR Vocal series, where our CEO, Deepak Prabhu Matti (he/him), discusses Cognizant Foundation's Tech4All programs. Our initiatives focus on providing skills to persons with disabilities, aiming to enhance their employment opportunities and promote financial independence. #CFChangingLives #Future4All #Tech4All Dr. Basavaraju R Shreshta
Why does skilling and employment for Persons with Disability matter beyond welfare? In Episode 2 of the CSR Vocal Series, we dive deep into a crucial question: While many policies prioritize welfare for Persons with Disability, why does skilling and employment take precedence for real empowerment? Our guest shares insightful experiences and outcomes that showcase why moving beyond welfare to skilling is vital for building inclusive growth, self-sufficiency, and a society where every individual thrives. Catch the full discussion to understand the transformative power of skill-based inclusion and how it's redefining the future for Persons with Disability. #CFChangingLives #Health4All #Future4All #CSRVocalSeries #DisabilityInclusion #SkillDevelopment #BeyondWelfare #EmpowermentThroughEmployment #GRAAM Cognizant Foundation Deepak Prabhu Matti (he/him) Dr. Basavaraju R Shreshta
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Participating in the US Social Welfare System tends to be heaped with shame. Classism in action. I want you to know that if you're collecting benefits, you deserve better treatment and it isn't your imagination, the process really is both difficult nd painful! This is one of many topics I also discuss in my upcoming book! If you are or have been on social welfare benefits, you likely know just what I'm talking about, and if you haven't ever been on them, recognize your privilege. This post breaks down some of the classism, sexism, and ableism that accompanies needing and using these programs, and how this can impact our ability to be or become more employable in the future.
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Need of the hour: The RPWD Act should address ground realities My parents have made provisions for me through joint accounts and nominating facilities. I operated as a stock market trader for 17 years in the name of my parents! Although it was exciting. I had to close it because it would have increased the IT-related responsibilities of my aged parents. Private banks were denied earlier. How can I trouble my aged parents every time, I am not even in a position to help them or share their responsibilities. No one realizes, for how long these provisions or way out work. After going through all this, how can I praise the welfare measures taken under the previous and current Disability Act? I am not alone. Sometimes this situation gives us anger and disgust but still, we have to maintain a brave and smiling posture for various reasons. I am sharing this so that disability welfare can get the right perspective about 'claimed welfare' and 'actual welfare'. It is embarrassing for me to come up with personal problems as everyone has theirs and solves them personally. However, I have waited for a solution but no one addressed it. #pmo #disabiltywelfare #ncped #disabilityempowerment
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"The needs of disabled people are all too often marginalised or forgotten about by politicians, so it's positive to see disabled people considered through the Labour Party Manifesto. In particular on getting people back to work, improving accessible transport, welfare reform and education. Despite the positives, this manifesto remains primarily another evolution of Labour's vision for the country, instead of being a policy blueprint on which they can be held accountable. It lacks detail, for example, on how we can ensure disabled people succeed in work, how a National Care Service would work in practice or how the welfare system can be improved.” Our view on the Labour Party manifesto:
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Australian Institute of Health & Welfare data shows several critical insights & trends related to disability outcomes. This convoluted saga of trying to "help" people with #disabilities. Oh boy, does it look like we've got ourselves into a bit of a philosophical pickle, coated in good intentions, but perhaps missing the mark by a country mile. Three years down, seven to go. At this rate, we're on track to achieve a beautiful tapestry of unmet needs. #Equality vs. #Equity, treating everyone equally by treating them the same, which is quite like giving everyone a pair of shoes, regardless of the size of their feet. "Here's your support, tailor-made to fit- someone else." We've rolled out the red carpet, only to pull it from under their feet. The #bureaucratic 'one step forward, two steps back.' Job support & housing satisfaction are in retreat? Marvelous, almost like we're saying, "We’ll give you #independence, but not really." The irony is thicker than a government policy document. The #unemployment gap, experience of violence, aswell as #accessibility to alternative care - shown NO progress. Highlighting a stagnant situation in critical areas affecting the lives of PWD. #Employment & Financial Security, stuck in neutral, revving the engine of employment opportunities but still parked in the driveway? like throwing a lavish party & not sending the invitations. "Welcome to the workforce! not really... enjoy the lobby." #NDIS participants job support ⬇️ from 66% to 62% showing areas where progress has EVEN reversed. Protection vs. #Autonomy Conflict, the ultimate protective bubble wrap that suffocates. "We will protect you from the world, & also, incidentally, from living your life." It’s like being given wings but then being told you can’t fly too high or too far. Safety first, dreams second. Promise safe housing & make it as accessible as a unicorn in a high-security zoo. Regression in secure #housing & RISE in unresolved #discrimination complaints, the bureaucratic equivalent of “thoughts & prayers.” "We hear you, but prefer to 'ignore the problem hoping it'll go away.'" raises concerns about the well-being & #rights of PWD, indicating areas targeted interventions & policy revisions are urgently needed. #Empowerment vs. Dependency Dilemma, claiming to empower but fostering dependency instead. It's like teaching someone to fish but then not giving them a fishing rod. "Be free, but also, could you not move too much?" Inclusive Dialogue, a revolutionary idea – talking to the people we're trying to help. "What’s that? You have opinions on your own life? Fascinating, tell us more...but quickly, we have a policy to not implement." So three years into a 10-year strategy, the emerging challenges underscore the need for a reassessment of current approaches.
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Read this brief to learn more about how #ChildWelfare agencies across the country have worked to build and expand their capacity to increase father and paternal relative engagement:
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