The value of In-house EMC Pre-compliance Testing
Most new products under development usually fail some sort of EMC testing the first-time products are tested, more accurately, radiated emissions (or EMI). The problem is most EMC testing at an off-site third-party lab is considered expensive. Typically, EMC testing off-site costs anywhere from $2,500 to $3,000 per day, depending on the type of testing being done. Usually, this product testing occurs over at least one week, which means a company is spending around $15,000 for the week. Also, it is important to keep in mind, lab costs do not typically include the company’s engineering time or the time to ship this company’s product between their R&D facility and the EMC testing lab.
In order to better investigate the possible cost impacts of a scenario where all EMC testing, including pre-compliance testing, is done at an off-site third-party lab versus having in-house EMC pre-compliance testing, we need to first define the typical workflow for a product that is 90% complete with development, and ready to start EMC testing.
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Thanks to Benjamin Dannan
Adjunct Professor and Consultant
3moStart by purchasing Ken’s 3 volume series on creating your own EMC troubleshooting kit. If you’re just starting out in EMC troubleshooting they are worth every penny and I guarantee that these three low cost, but very practical, books will have something you haven’t seen but need to know on page after page. Highly recommended.