Who is there any mentors or any other sort of sources that you've leaned on? And there's so many. And I'm again, passionately curious. I was shoot 15 years ago to paying attention to me and listening to all these extremely super successful people, what their commonalities were, what their differentiators were. It's and studying that. And even though a lot of them came from very different backgrounds and outside circumstances, a lot of them have similar habits. Walking towards your fear rather than running away from it, letting your fear own you. When I find something I'm scared of, I go towards it. So now I wanna dive with sharks. You wanna race fast, I wanna, I wanna go on. I wanna go without the tallest heights.
Forbes Ranked | Connector of Entrepreneurs, Executives & their Families | Science, Motorsports, CrossFit, & Culinary Enthusiast | Working with people at the top of their game to help them achieve their dreams
Run toward, not away. I can tell you public speaking once scared the life out of me, I only took hold of that fear and built my confidence by doing esteemable things including moving toward that fear.
Forbes Ranked | Connector of Entrepreneurs, Executives & their Families | Science, Motorsports, CrossFit, & Culinary Enthusiast | Working with people at the top of their game to help them achieve their dreams
3wRun toward, not away. I can tell you public speaking once scared the life out of me, I only took hold of that fear and built my confidence by doing esteemable things including moving toward that fear.