Transforming #WasteToEnergy to help protect the air we breathe, water we drink and soil that feeds us.
📢 TreaTech’s Innovative Waste-to-Energy Process Also Destroys Recalcitrant PFAS ◆ TreaTech's innovative catalytic hydrothermal gasification (cHTG) process converts waste streams like agricultural wastes, chemical wastes, industrial food waste streams, and biosolids into renewable gas and clean water. ◆ The cHTG process brings the waste into supercritical water conditions (400 °C, 250 bar) and passes the waste through a catalytic reactor that converts organic carbon molecules to a methane-rich gas. ◆ Recent testing on a model feedstock amended with several types of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) confirmed the following: PFOS, PFOA, and PFBS were destroyed >99.8% each under unoptimized conditions. ◆ Complete destruction of these PFAS was confirmed via measurement of speciated PFAS, fluoride, and adsorbable organofluorine. A full fluorine mass balance was achieved. ◆ The cHTG process shows excellent promise at destroying PFAS in PFAS-rich wastes, as well as wastes that incidentally contain PFAS. TreaTech continues to optimize the cHTG process to achieve PFAS destruction in a variety of wastes. For more information, please visit and contact Montrose Environmental Group Jacob Stern, Erika Houtz and Raquel Zambrano Varela #cHTG #PFAS #PFASDestruction #wastetoenergy #renewableenergy #sustainability
Research Assistant
2wNice innovation for improving our environment thanks to Montrose Group 👍👍