Inclusion, Rehabilitation and Empowering Development of Persons with Different Abilities in Rural India......a Scalable and replicable model for enabling rural PwDs as contributors beyond an issue of charity and welfare.....@CORD
CORD: A Scalable and replicable model for rural PwDs
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We are deeply concerned by the latest statement on plans to reform the welfare system. We first raised our concerns and made our position known when the proposed changes opened up to consultation, and even as a charity who connects people with long-term conditions with meaningful work, the latest announcement has reinforced our views that this plan is not an effective way to close the disability employment gap, and also displays an alarming lack of understanding about the realities of such conditions and the daily barriers individuals must contend with. Read the full statement on Astriid’s website, linked below. Even though we champion the value of inclusive work, it’s important to us that we use our position to fight for the people who will be further marginalised and oppressed by such changes. Our thoughts are with anybody struggling with increased mental and physical distress at the prospect of such changes. Although being in work can bring huge benefits, people should never be pressured or forced into unsuitable roles. Your output and productivity does not rank above your safety and wellbeing, and does not define your value as a human being. We will continue to do what we can to fight for the voices that often go unheard. ~ If you are a business who wants to take a stand against this injustice, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar in May, sharing our impactful research findings on working with a long-term condition and showcasing our virtual training on supporting people with long term conditions in the workplace. Details will be announced soon – keep an eye on our website and social media to reserve your place. ~ [Hashtags] #Astriid #AstriidCharity #FlexibleWorking #InclusiveRecruitment #InclusiveEmployment #AccessibleEmployment #ChronicIllness #Disability #InvisibleTalentPool #DiversityAndInclusion #EnergyLimitingCondition #EnergyLimitingConditions
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Our new paper depicts the positive impacts of cash transfers on level of coping among young adults during the COVID pandemic were limited to those with a pre-existing mental disorder who received JobKeeper payment in Australia. Happy reading! #socialprotection #cashtransfer #welfare #JobKeeper #JobSeeker #COVID #mentalhealth #coping #adolescents #youth #publichealth #healthsystems
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Brain Health Breakthrough is concerned at the government’s recent announcement on disability welfare reforms and the potential impact on those we support. ONS latest figures show there are now around 2 million in the UK with Long Covid, and half of those have had it for two years or more. Long Covid is an energy-limiting condition which profoundly impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including employment, financial security, self-care, mobility and quality of life. Many with Long Covid are now in receipt of disability benefits, particularly PIP. Reforms that introduce extra barriers to claiming benefits may mean those most in need are likely to lose out. Losing PIP may also mean some of those in work may struggle to continue, as all their energy is expended in attempting to cope without support for daily living. There is not enough evidence of reasonable adjustments options being put into practice for people to work from home or do flexible working. We support people with Long Covid, many of whom sadly have not been able to return to work. People in our community would love suitable opportunities to work. However, the 1950’s system we have can't think outside the box. We employ people with Long Covid and operate effectively and sustainably as a team. For some, it is possible with the right support. #LongCovid #WelfareReforms #FlexibleWorking #ReasonableAdjustments
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Brain Health Breakthrough is concerned at the government’s recent announcement on disability welfare reforms and the potential impact on those we support. ONS latest figures show there are now around 2 million in the UK with Long Covid, and half of those have had it for two years or more. Long Covid is an energy-limiting condition which profoundly impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including employment, financial security, self-care, mobility and quality of life. Many with Long Covid are now in receipt of disability benefits, particularly PIP. Reforms that introduce extra barriers to claiming benefits may mean those most in need are likely to lose out. Losing PIP may also mean some of those in work may struggle to continue, as all their energy is expended in attempting to cope without support for daily living. There is not enough evidence of reasonable adjustments options being put into practice for people to work from home or do flexible working. We support people with Long Covid, many of whom sadly have not been able to return to work. People in our community would love suitable opportunities to work. However, the 1950’s system we have can't think outside the box. We employ people with Long Covid and operate effectively and sustainably as a team. For some, it is possible with the right support. #LongCovid #WelfareReforms #FlexibleWorking #ReasonableAdjustments
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Reflecting on Impactful Change in Healthcare Access I remember this mother who came to our hospital for the first time, hiring a bakkie for R400 because public transport wasn’t suitable for wheelchair users. To put this in perspective, R400 represented 23% of her income. With at least three visits required for prosthetic rehabilitation, transportation alone would have consumed 75% of her income.To alleviate this burden, we implemented a "Rehabilitation in Their Homes" (RITH) program, This was part of our joint social disability welfare services that was funded by the Australian High Commission, South Africa through Australia Awards Africa . This initiative allowed us to provide rehabilitation services directly in the homes of patients, significantly reducing their financial strain. Thanks to this program, we were able to support 57 amputees like her, empowering them on their journey to recovery and independence. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those in need. #DisabilityInclusion #HealthcareAccess #Empowerment #AustraliaAwardsAfrica Australian educated alumni Golden Key International Honour Society Flinders University
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Today continues my preview of this year’s ABA Joint Committee on Employee Benefits 35th Annual Health and Welfare Plans National Institute, which is now seven days away. The afternoon of day 1 kicks off with a panel on gender affirming care, which is fast becoming a new flashpoint in the culture wars. For group health plans, the questions are simple – is there a requirement to cover gender affirming care? And, if so, does that requirement extend to adolescents? The answers are not simple, and they are quickly changing. As bottom, the question involves the interpretation of select civil rights and disability laws. Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in specified health programs and activities, is also front and center. Before April of this year, the answer was likely “yes” on both counts: employer-sponsored group health plans were likely required to cover gender affirming care including for adolescents based on Supreme Court precedent that was admittedly less than perfectly clear. With the issuance of final regulations under ACA Section 1557 the answer was a clear yes for at least a large swath of group health plans, but how large or swath was not at all clear. Then in July, two federal district court judges blocked the final ACA Section 1557 rules, in part in one instance in total in another. These and other cases have opened the floodgates of litigation leaving employers unsure of what the rules are. Moreover, the is happening at a time when both the underlying clinical and legal standards are changing. The questions involving the scope of ACA Section 1557 and the accompanying constitutional framework have left employers with little in the way of reliable guidance. While self-funded plans have the benefit of ERISA preemption where plan design is concerned, states still retain the right to regulate providers and clinical standards. Many “red” states have adopted rules barring gender affirming care, at least where minors are concerned, while some “blue” states seek to protect it. The dynamics are similar in many respects to the questions relating to travel related benefits for the purpose of obtaining reproductive health care. The program takes place on October 17-18, 2024, in Washington, D.C. You can register here:
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#PrimeMinister #NarendraModi initiated the #transfer of #funds for #PMKisan and approved #housing #assistance under #PradhanMantriAwasYojana. In 'The Future of India’s Social Safety Nets,' #AndaleebRahman and #PrabhuPingali advocate for a systemic approach to #SocialWelfare programs.
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📢 Neglecting Gauteng’s Vulnerable: Unspent Social Welfare Funds The Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) underspent R41.5 million on critical welfare services in the 2023/2024 financial year. This failure is devastating for organisations like Tembisa Self Help Association of the Disabled (T-SHAD) and countless vulnerable residents who rely on these services. 🚨 The Impact of Underspending ❌ R1 million left unused for elderly care, leaving 3040 elderly people without community-based services. ❌ R8.7 million underspent on programmes for persons with disabilities. ❌ R31.7 million unspent on HIV/AIDS support services, depriving beneficiaries of food and psychosocial services. 🔍 What’s Going Wrong? Under both former and current leadership, GDSD continues to mismanage funds, fail to fill critical positions, and ignore the needs of NPOs like T-SHAD, which teach farming skills to people with disabilities to break the cycle of poverty. ✅ The DA’s Commitment: A DA-led Gauteng government would ensure optimal financial management, proper planning, and quarterly expenditure alignment to avoid underspending. Vulnerable residents deserve better, and we will keep holding the department accountable. 💬 Share your voice: How has this lack of funding impacted your community? #DAatWork #RescueSA #SocialWelfare Read more:
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The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have just released the People with disability in Australia report (2024 update). The housing section of the report looks at types of housing people with disability live in, their tenure and their housing needs:
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"The needs of disabled people are all too often marginalised or forgotten about by politicians, so it's positive to see disabled people considered through the Labour Party Manifesto. In particular on getting people back to work, improving accessible transport, welfare reform and education. Despite the positives, this manifesto remains primarily another evolution of Labour's vision for the country, instead of being a policy blueprint on which they can be held accountable. It lacks detail, for example, on how we can ensure disabled people succeed in work, how a National Care Service would work in practice or how the welfare system can be improved.” Our view on the Labour Party manifesto:
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Research Assistant Public Health Nutrition and Development Centre
7moCongratulations sir to you and to the whole team 🙌😇