Fascinating read, and some very smart tech deplomacy largely driven by the Department of Commerce. Triggered some broader thoughts on the strategic competition with the PRC, which requires a sustained (transcending successive administrations) whole of government campaign. This campaign requires clearly defined, long-term national-level objectives that are deliberately coordinated across different governmental agencies. While there are successful examples of such efforts, more could be done to better articulate such a campaign and its objectives. I.e., which agency owns what objective and how are the other agencies expected to support. The objectives / goals could be a little crisper IMO. With this in mind, the National Security Strategy (NSS) should ideally offer more detailed guidance on setting these goals and enhancing inter-agency cooperation to achieve them. While I recognize that this detailed implementation often occurs behind the scenes, I wonder if publicly outlining these goals/objectives could help maintain better focus and alignment.
Good Read
The UAE made a strategic decision more than 20 years ago to reduce its oil-centric economy with a financial-centric one, and this seems to be a continuation and refinement of that effort. UAE is one of the very few nations that really has a long-term strategy for where it wants to be in 50 years, and I am glad they have chosen to divest PRC assets and more closely align to the United States and the west more broadly.
Sounds like a solid plan for strategic competition Crisp objectives are key. Nick Hatcher
Impressive insights on tech diplomacy and strategic competition Nick Hatcher
Advisor to executives, startups, and sports teams on the intersection of culture & leadership. Defense and Aerospace advisor who sits at the intersection of .mil, .com and .edu. Highly sought after keynote speaker.
11moDude how do you consume and then analyze so many articles! Thanks.