I wear it better!…and learned a great deal more from volunteering as a Scout leader.
It began about 3 years ago, when I put my name down as a regular ‘helper’ at my son’s local Beaver Scout colony, but within a couple of months, was asked to step up and take over as leader of the group.
This was something well out of my comfort zone. I’d no idea how on earth to hold the engagement of, and keep safe, 24 ...shall we say lively... six to eight-year-old children for an hour every week. How do you sustain that with unwavering patience (did I mention the six to eight-year-olds) and confidence?
As I get ready to start the Autumn term, I’ve been thinking about the journey I’ve been on, and the huge personal reward I’ve taken from becoming a volunteer leader / teacher, friend, mentor, coach, cheerleader, organiser, first aider, fundraiser, and vital shoulder to cry on because someone’s marshmallow fell in the fire. (Always bring extra marshmallows.)
I’d not planned it, but it’s been a fantastic way to practise and keep sharp skills important in my line of work, from presenting, facilitating, engaging an audience, being in and adapting to the moment, to planning, adjusting for neurodiversity, team leadership, and continuous improvement.
But more than that…there have been so many memorable moments that make it worth it. It might be the payoff from coaching and encouragement, as one of them goes from scared hesitation to celebrating their crowning achievement standing atop of the climbing wall and demanding to do it again. Or proudly watching another amaze their fellow Beavers after learning the formula to solve a Rubik’s cube for a personal challenge badge.
I wouldn’t change a thing. (Except perhaps the first few sessions, that was a steep learning curve!) I’m a firm believer in ‘it takes a village’ and it’s an honour to play my small part in their development and growing up.
Managing Principal Consultant RJHSRC Consulting | Regulatory, Chemical, and Oil & Gas Professional | Skilled Practical Science Instructor
5moCongrats Rachelle! Well deserved !