Roderick Sutton’s Post

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Founding Partner at Fortune Ark Restructuring | M&A, Liquidity Support and Financial Restructuring.

It was my pleasure to speak with Hong Kong Economic Journal in a recent interview about my views on the current restructuring trends for mainland China’s property sector and the importance of working side-by-side with companies during these challenging times.   As a company financial advisor or a board advisor for companies that are facing challenging times,  its important to build a level of trust and transparency. There also needs to be an acknowledgement from all parties that compromise and concessions will occur, but it allows all parties to survive.   Fortune Ark Restructuring Limited, understands the importance of building trust and being transparent to all parties involved in a restructuring. Through effective advisors, a company can navigate towards a positive trajectory, and FAR are here to help the company achieve this goal.   To read the interview follow the links below: 沈仁諾轉做重組達人 為企業續命 清盤專家疫下感悟 願與落難公司並肩 (Rod Sutton becomes restructuring expert to save companies from going under, liquidation expert changed his outlook during the pandemic, now stands side by side with companies in trouble)   斡旋先建互信 妥協始能存活 (Mediation builds mutual trust; survival only happens through compromise)   讚港充滿活力 治安佳利營商 (Hong Kong is a city full of vitality, secure and business-friendly)   #HongKongEconomicJournal #boardadvisory #financialadvisor #restructuring #debtadvisory #debtfinancing #capitaladvisory #captialraising #corporatefinance

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