One of the benefits of being an early riser (typically 5:30am) is catching amazing sun rises. I’m out here in Miami for Fintech Americas and I can’t wait for my panel session at 9:30am with an amazing group of VCs! Come join us! Shout out to the amazing Fintefh Americas team Ray Ruga María Laura Mancuso Joseph Worthington what a beautiful show. #famiami2025
Now that's a beautiful backdrop! That panel is going to be FIRE.
Ohhh love the video content! Always innovating I see. Good luck with your panel!
That camera man deserves a raise 😉
Wish I was there!
OMG that light!!! 🌅
Now that’s a gorgeous backdrop! Hope you had a great panel.
Fabulous! Great promo & the sunrise!!
Amazing! Enjoy Miami, Scarlett! You are such a source of inspiration for so many women in the industry. And you are a true, good person.
Amazing as ever Scarlett. Absolute pleasure working you again, and lets not leave it as long next time. Safe travels 🙌
#FinTech & #Crypto Content Specialist #DigitalAssets #Web3.0 #Metaverse #DigitalSecurities #ico #sto #fto #blockchain #securitytokens
5dWish I was there!