China's Big Impact on EM Active Fund Performance China’s remarkable rally following last month’s stimulus announcements has had a pronounced impact on EM active fund returns. Below is a scatter chart showing China & HK fund weights versus September returns, highlighting a clear positive correlation. From an allocation standpoint, Value funds were the star performers, returning 6.8% on average for September after moving to overweight during the early part of 2024. However, top performers came from a variety of strategies. Leading the way were: •Morgan Stanley Developing Opportunity Fund (Aggressive Growth) • Redwheel Global Emerging Markets (GARP) • Arga Emerging Markets Fund (Value) • Pzena EM Select Value • Virtus NFJ Emerging Markets Value Holding a China overweight took real conviction while most of the market remained underweight amid widespread bearish sentiment. Copley Fund Research Limited #emergingmarkets #activemanagement #investing #stockmarkets #China
Out of interest Steven Holden , where do you collect the universe data from? Morningstar/Lipper, or something similar? How much of the EM manager universe do you think is captured here?
As an avid EM investor, I'm thrilled to see China's rally boosting fund performance. It's a reminder that patience and contrarian thinking can pay off. I've always believed in China's long-term potential, despite short-term challenges. This data validates the importance of maintaining exposure to the world's second-largest economy. It's fascinating to see how different strategies, from Value to Growth, benefited. Kudos to those fund managers who had the courage to go against the grain!
Fund Research & Selection, Multi-manager Investment Solutions, ex-HSBC, ex-D.E. Shaw
5moI have mixed views about seeing 'conviction' through country selection lens. I remember a global equity manager being underweight US by 30%+ during 2013 and after, due to valuation reasons. Not illogical imo. You can imagine how that played out. Pzena and Arga being value houses, not really unexpected, isn't it.