Recently found this memento from when my daughter Zoe Blum visited me at SAP's Newtown Square office last spring. On the 3rd floor near the Executive Briefing Center there is a "Photobooth" that captured this moment. Since then, Zoe has gone on to accomplish great things at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and I could not be prouder of her. Now that she has set up her profile, I have been waiting for an opportunity to tag her in a LinkedIn post... So, here it is!
A memorable snap and good walk down the memory lane. These are things that bind the human spirit to each other
Proud Daddy. I love it!
Cool pic and memory. Hope you are doing well Adam
Congrats!!! If you ever need a place to to stay, Troy and I are really close to WCU - we can get the volleyball out!
Making Dad Proud!
Always great to hear those proud poppa moments!
Proud Dad !!!
Girl dad 💯
Great Pic! My daughter is also at West Chester