Trevor Schrier’s Post

View profile for Trevor Schrier

Founder, CEO @ Ally Solutions

adding onto Yurii Rebryk list 15 startup lies (non mainstream YC version)👇: 01) "Our product will be first to market." → "We don’t even have a product yet." 02) "We currently have a $50mn valuation." → "That’s just what the pitch deck says." 03) "This is the best time to invest." → "We’re one week away from running out of cash." 04) "We have significant client interest." → "We sent 500 cold emails, and no one replied." 05) "We already have signed investors." → "My cousin chipped in some money." 06) "We've gotten significant interest from major cloud partners." → "AWS gave us $100 in free credits." 07) "We've hired top talent from all around the globe." → "One freelancer in another timezone is doing everything." 08) "We're moving at the speed of light." → "We have no idea where we’re heading." 09) "We're focused on improving our digital presence." → "We spent $1,000 on ads for 5 clicks." 10) "We're going to pivot." → "We royally screwed up." 11) "We're leveraging cutting-edge AI." → "We just glued an API to our app." 12) "We're scaling quickly." → "We got two new users. One was my mom." 13) "We have an agile workflow." → "Slack arguments are our stand-up meetings." 14) "We’re disrupting the market." → "We don’t actually know what our market is." 15) "Our burn rate is under control." → "We haven’t paid ourselves in months." Missing anything? Comment below. ALSO hit me up to tap into my network I love to help 😊 #startuplife #bootstrap #turntheworldupsidedown

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Jeffrey N.

Founder @ BlueClod | Senior Software Engineer | Immersive Technologies & Drones


😀. Then they become true


Software Engineer @ Ally


Ha Ha great list Trevor Schrier . Sounds so True !

Sabrina Negron

Lynn University Summa Cum Laude Graduate Investment Management


Classic startup truths, Trev. #12 made me giggle🤭

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