Building Meaningful Engagements in this Low Touch Economy
The dynamics of building & nurturing relationships has changed forever. Doing business remotely is becoming a norm and with most events, conferences, meetings, hackathons moving online, building 'Meaningful Engagement' becomes a top priority for everyone.
What is Meaningful Engagement?
Meaningful engagement is when the needs of both the customer and the business are met in a sustainable way–providing value for all stakeholders. It is easier said than done and while I am always in a learning mode, here are some learnings & observations that I believe are worth sharing.
For businesses to build meaningful engagement with their customers, developers, users and prospects, they need to:
1. Engage with Knowledge
Meaningful engagement is a win-win scenario. Sharing relevant & timely knowledge is a great way to engage by adding value. It stands true for your users, developers and customers. Sharing knowledge is a great way to stand out and get the user attention in this content overkill and misinformation era,
2. Create & Curate with Context
Personalize Everything - There is data & content everywhere, including within your organization. While creating good content is always the king, curating personalized content is equally powerful to build trust with your audience.
#ContentCuration #personalization
3. Communicate with Ears
To curate the best knowledge or content for your users and customers, listen and learn about their problems, issues of real users and developers.
4. Influence with Contributions
Contributors, Creators & Curators are the new Influencers. Contribution comes in the form of Advice, Support, Help, Coding, Mentoring, Building, Designing & Curating for others. Contribute genuinely to the discussions and problems wherever you can.
#NewInfluencers #Contributors
Our Mission: At Weavr, we are on a mission to empower anyone to build meaningful engagements with personalized content curation and powerful insights. Our platform helps drive registrations, pipeline, retention, revenue and more with personalized content at every stage of the customer & user journey. Give it a try!