How I Manage My Blog While Working Full Time
I’ll start off by saying I’m tired and have been riding the struggle bus since the New Year began. I’m not sure that “work-life balance” exists as that implies there will be a perfect balance between career and lifestyle, which isn’t always possible. Instead of aiming for a work-life balance, I decided to create a manageable balance between career (work) and lifestyle (blogging). By developing a manageable balance, I can set my own pace, eliminating the pressure that I would normally put on myself to crank out a blog post every week. For me, that isn’t realistic given that I also have many other responsibilities such as a FULL time job, PRSA-SF committees, co-chairing a committee for my sorority and of course making time for me #SelfCare. Balancing blogging with a demanding job, (shoutout to all my social girls out there) is not easy at all but is definitely achievable. You just have to believe that things will get done when they are supposed to.
So, how do I juggle it all? Here are a few of my tips.
Be Accountable—Whenever I take on a new project or a blog post I strive to be accountable for either it’s success or failure. Given that Werque By Dominique Brielle is in its infancy stage, it’s very important for me to show up for myself and brand by putting forth the needed effort. Whether it’s writing a new post, collaborating with other bloggers, contributing for other blogs/sites or throwing events…the responsibility is mine to produce consistently great content and provide my audience with an experience.
Plan Ahead— I love to be organized. Am I organized every hour, minute, or second of my life? NO. One trick I learned from the corporate workplace is to anticipate the client’s or manager’s needs. I use this same hack when it comes to my blog. It’s crucial to listen to your internal voice to understand what the blog needs next, what direction it’s going and what finite details that needs to be added. Thinking ahead on different blog post topics will only help you in the long run.
Don’t Plan—Sometimes it’s best to just let the writing flow. Not every blog post or contributing article is going to come easy to you. Learn when to put a piece on the shelf and come back to rework it.
Network, Network, Network—Get out there and network with fellow bloggers and writers! I’ve made many more friends simply from joining online blogger communities and networking over social media platforms. It’s always critical to establish relationships with like-minded people, especially if they blog! Endless possibilities: guest partnerships, contributor writing, event attendance. Cultivate that sisterhood!
Time Management: If you are unable to solidify a schedule for blogging, start by carving out 1-3 hours a week, including weekends to get that content written! You can even write on your lunch break for 15-30 mins, if you’re about that life. Baby steps.
Sacrifice: Sometimes you are going to have to sacrifice your weeknights or weekends to catch up on developing content, events, and partnerships for your blog. I’m confident that you are able to give up ONE weekend every two weeks or several happy hours!
Don’t Force Content: Let me say that again for the people in the back of the room, DON’T FORCE IT. Say it with me, quality over quantity loves! I rather put out two quality pieces a month than four pieces without any substance or takeaways. (That’s just me though!)
Don’t give up: Even though at times it may be difficult to juggle everything, remember why you started. Remember the intention and purpose you set over your blog/brand! No one said it was going to be easy but it’s always worth it. Try to maintain that fire and passion!
Find a comfortable but productive place to write: I often find myself writing in the office after hours, my local coffee shop, or my grandfather’s house, simply because my home feels too comfortable. I tried writing in my bed a few times but ended up napping or watching Real Housewives of Atlanta, which is obviously not being productive.
Just Do It: Nike reference intended. Although I get writers block or become exhausted, I haul ass to get my pieces of writing completed. If you can carve out an hour or two of your time, I promise you’ll be able to rollout content. Remember, you have to take the first step before the other foot can follow.
How do you manage to blog and work full time?
This piece is an contributed article for Brown Girl Bloggers: