The Huge Mistake I Made
I made a huge mistake in my business this past January that I don’t want you to make this coming month of the New Year.
Like many business owners, I created a defined plan of how my team and I were going to attack 2017 in sales. We were ready, locked, and loaded to kick off our new game plan on January 1.
That was the mistake.
I quickly realized we spent the first month of the new year building up the momentum we needed to hit our monthly goal in order to achieve our annual goal.
Not a surprise, January ended up being the worst month of the year for my company.
This year, my 2018 sales plan and team commitments began weeks ago. We are already living and executing from our plan. This year we are in sync and building the momentum needed to achieve our goals in 2018.
The tough lesson learned is that no business can achieve their MASSIVE GOALS for the new year unless you are living and experiencing the MASSIVE MOMENTUM you need towards them in the final part of the year.
December is a critical month. This is THE month that sets the tone for your annual kick-off.
Moral of the story? Act on your goals NOW in the areas of generating new business, retention of existing business, streamlining your production, systemizing your operations, or whatever goals you are specifically trying to accomplish for the new year.
Remember, nothing magical will happen on January 1. It could likely be quite the opposite.
If your goals happen to include marketing tasks, such as; improving your website, ranking on search engines, increasing leads, or improving your social media marketing, please contact me today. Reaching out on January 1 could cost you even more.
♿️Mobility Marketer | Adaptive Shooting Sports♿️
7yThere is so much truth to this it hurts. I struggle to get my management to think even two weeks ahead.