Keep Calm and Keep Inventing!

Keep Calm and Keep Inventing!

Friends, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, lend me your ears.

Ward Law Office sends our continued support and best wishes for a full recovery to everyone who has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

These are troubling times in which we find ourselves. Certainly, a time to care for your loved ones, and to put thoughts of health and safety for yourself and your neighbors above all else.

If history teaches us anything, it is that this dire situation too shall pass. Both our everyday lives and our businesses, which for many are currently paused, will eventually return to normal. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

With that said, we encourage all entrepreneurs and inventors to take this time of quarantine and self-isolation for contemplation about what comes next.

  • Do you have an interesting idea for how to help address the current and future pandemics?
  • Did you ever invent something and just didn’t have the time to take it to the next step?
  • Have you ever dreamed of starting a new business?
  • Do you have a creative hobby, which you now have time to explore more fully while self-isolating?

If so, then this may be an opportune time to learn more about intellectual property as a tool for business and entrepreneurs, and how you might use it to emerge from these times in a position of strength.

There are many free educational resources available for this purpose. We recommend checking out the education pages at both the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and our website. You may also enjoy watching our free online video series called “Patently Good Ideas,” which contains helpful information about initial steps that should be taken by inventors before securing patent rights.

Our firm also participates in the Patent Pro Bono Program at the USPTO. This is a nationwide network of independently operated regional programs that offer inventors and small businesses free legal assistance in preparing and filing patent applications. Likewise, our professionals are available for free consultations by email, phone or videoconference. We are always happy to chat, bounce ideas around, and provide guidance on the basics of intellectual property protection.

Keep inventing friends! Together, we shall pull through these unprecedented times and make a better world.

Warmest regards,

Ward Law Office LLC

Registered Patent Attorney


Telephone: (419) 408-5500

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