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Lifestyle and EntertainmentMedia Data 2017

National Geographic Japanese Edition World-famous nature and adventure magazine in Japanese
National Geographic Japanese Edition

National Geographic Japanese Edition is the Japanese language edition of the world-renowned National Geographic magazine that was launched in 1888 in the United States. National Geographic magazine, now published 33 local-language editions, covers the "unknown facts of the earth" that relate to nature, adventure, history, global environment, science and culture. Its beautiful photography, shot by prominent photographers, and its in-depth stories are ardently supported by numerous readers around the world. The Japanese edition was launched in April 1995 and its subscribers cover a wide age group from small children to the senior generation.

Core readership
  • People who enjoy science, travel and outdoor leisure
First published
April 1995
Modified B5 (175 X 254 mm)
Sales method
Annual subscription (direct mail delivery) and bookstore sales

Subscriber Profile

Subscriber Profile

From the reader profile survey (questionnaire mailing survey conducted in November 2010 by Nikkei BP Consulting)

Advertising Rates

(Thousand yen)
SIZE UNIT 1x 3x 6x 12x 18x 24x
Four-color 1 page 1,020 1,000 980 960 940 900
B&W 1 page 740 730 710 700 680 660


Issue Delivery
Material deadline
for digital format
Jan. 2025 Dec.30 Nov.12 Dec.3
Feb. Jan.30 Dec.5 Jan.2
Mar. Feb.28 Jan.9 Jan.31
Apr. Mar.30 Feb.6 Mar.3
May Apr.30 Mar.12 Apr.3
Jun. May 30 Apr.9 May 5
Jul. Jun.30 May 13 Jun.3
Issue Delivery
Material deadline
for digital format
Aug. Jul.30 Jun.12 Jul.3
Sep. Aug.30 Jul.8 Jul.30
Oct. Sep.30 Aug.6 Sep.2
Nov. Oct.30 Sep.9 Oct.2
Dec. Nov.30 Oct.9 Nov.3
Jan. 2026 Dec.30 Nov.10 Dec.2

Space Units

Millimeters (W x H)
Bleed full page 175 x 254*
Bleed double-page spread 350 x 254*

*Ad material should be made in 181 x 260 mm or 356 x 260 mm size to avoid white lines at edges. Important elements, such as text, logotypes, symbol marks, and illustrations, that must not be trimmed should be within 5 mm of all register marks.


Material Requirements

  • Software application: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign (Mac only)
  • Delivery: Via E-Mail or in CD/DVD
  • Must be sent with low-resolution PDF and completed checksheet, which can be downloaded from
  • All Japanese fonts except for those specified in the checksheet must be outlined.

If you wish to translate your ad material into Japanese, please consult your nearest sales representative or any Nikkei BP office for our translation service.

Advertising proofs are not provided for approval.