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Screenwriting award for film
The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television presents one or more annual awards for the Best Screenplay for a Canadian film. Originally presented in 1968 as part of the Canadian Film Awards , from 1980 until 2012 the award continued as part of the Genie Awards ceremony.[ 1] As of 2013, it is presented as part of the Canadian Screen Awards .[ 2]
In their present form, two awards are presented for Best Original Screenplay and Best Adapted Screenplay , although historically this division was not always observed. In the Canadian Film Awards era, two awards were usually presented in Feature and Non-Feature (television films, short films, etc.) categories, although on two occasions the feature category was further divided into separate categories for Original and Adapted Screenplay, resulting in the presentation of three screenplay awards overall, and on two occasions only one award for Non-Feature Screenplay was presented. Under current Academy rules, the categories are collapsed into one if either category has fewer than five eligible submissions within the qualifying period; however, if both categories receive five or more eligible submissions, then separate awards are presented even if one category or the other ends up with fewer than five final nominees.[ 3]
1980 1st Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Janis Allen , Dan Goldberg , Len Blum
[ 4]
Mireille Dansereau
Heartbreak (L'Arrache-cœur)
[ 8]
Allan Moyle , John Laing, Stephen Lack
The Rubber Gun
Jim Osborne
Summer's Children
Anne Claire Poirier , Marthe Blackburn
A Scream from Silence (Mourir à tue-tête)
Steven Hilliard Stern
Adapted screenplay
Diana Maddox , William Gray
The Changeling
[ 4]
Ted Allan
It Rained All Night the Day I Left
[ 8]
Jean Beaudin , Marcel Sabourin
R. J. Dryer , Martin Lager
Jack London's Klondike Fever
Jean-Claude Lord , Jean Salvy
Chocolate Eclair (Éclair au chocolat)
1981 2nd Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Réjean Ducharme
Good Riddance (Les Bons débarras)
[ 4]
Marc Rosen
Final Assignment
[ 9]
Jean-Claude Labrecque , Jacques Benoit
The Coffin Affair (L'Affaire Coffin)
Micheline Lanctôt
The Handyman (L'Homme à tout faire)
Ken Mitchell
The Hounds of Notre Dame
Adapted screenplay
Max Fischer
The Lucky Star
[ 4]
Bernard Slade
[ 9]
Ronald Sutherland , Robin Spry
1982 3rd Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Terence Heffernan
[ 4]
Clay Borris
Alligator Shoes
[ 10]
Paul Illidge , James Sanderson
Head On
Adam Arkin , Ian Sutherland , Morrie Ruvinsky
Improper Channels
Réjean Ducharme
Happy Memories (Les Beaux souvenirs)
David Cronenberg
Adapted screenplay
Roger Lemelin , Gilles Carle
The Plouffe Family (Les Plouffe)
[ 4]
Anne Cameron , Ralph L. Thomas
Ticket to Heaven
[ 10]
Diana Maddox
The Amateur
1983 4th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
John Hunter
The Grey Fox
[ 4]
Phil Savath , Laurence Keane , Chris Windsor
Big Meat Eater
[ 11]
David Lee Henry
Harry Tracy, Desperado
John Juliani , Sharon Riis
Latitude 55°
Roger Fournier
A Day in a Taxi (Une journée en taxi)
Adapted screenplay
Richard Paluck , Robert Guza, Jr.
Melanie Award later rescinded, due to late discovery that it did not meet the qualifications [ 12]
[ 4]
Peter Dion
The Hot Touch
[ 11]
1984 5th Genie Awards
Bob Clark
A Christmas Story
[ 4]
David Cronenberg
[ 13]
Jack Darcus
Timothy Findley
The Wars
1985 6th Genie Awards
Daniel Petrie
The Bay Boy
[ 4]
Micheline Lanctôt
[ 14]
Michel Langlois , Léa Pool
A Woman in Transit (La Femme de l'hôtel)
Don Owen
Unfinished Business
1986 7th Genie Awards
Sandy Wilson
My American Cousin
[ 4]
Lise Lemay-Rousseau
The Alley Cat (Le Matou)
[ 15]
Mordecai Richler
Joshua Then and Now
Louise Rinfret , Claude Jutra
The Dame in Colour (La Dame en couleurs)
1987 8th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Denys Arcand
The Decline of the American Empire (Le Déclin de l'empire américain)
[ 4]
Sharon Riis
[ 16]
Yves Simoneau , Pierre Curzi
Intimate Power (Pouvoir intime)
Richard Nichol
Sitting in Limbo
Michael Jones , Andy Jones
The Adventure of Faustus Bidgood
Adapted screenplay
Leon Marr
Dancing in the Dark
[ 4]
Gordon Pinsent
John and the Missus
[ 16]
Peter Rowe
1988 9th Genie Awards
Jean-Claude Lauzon
Night Zoo (Un zoo la nuit)
[ 4]
Sally Bochner , John N. Smith , Sam Grana
Train of Dreams
[ 17]
Atom Egoyan
Family Viewing
William D. MacGillivray
Life Classes
Patricia Rozema
I've Heard the Mermaids Singing
1989 10th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Trevor Rhone , Glen Salzman
Milk and Honey
[ 4]
André Melançon , Jacques Bobet
The Tadpole and the Whale (La Grenouille et la baleine)
[ 18]
Marie-José Raymond , Claude Fournier , Michel Cournot
The Mills of Power (Les Tisserands du pouvoir)
Guy Maddin
Tales from the Gimli Hospital
Michael Rubbo
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller
Adapted screenplay
Norman Snider , David Cronenberg
Dead Ringers
[ 4]
Jackie Burroughs
A Winter Tan
[ 18]
Francis Mankiewicz , Jacques Savoie
The Revolving Doors (Les Portes tournantes)
Robin Spry , Douglas Bowie
Phil Savath
The Outside Chance of Maximilian Glick
1990 11th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Denys Arcand
Jesus of Montreal (Jésus de Montréal)
[ 4]
Anne Wheeler
Bye Bye Blues
[ 19]
Don McKellar
Atom Egoyan
Speaking Parts
Colleen Murphy
Termini Station
Peter Mettler
The Top of His Head
Adapted screenplay
Richard Beattie , Elliot L. Sims
Cold Comfort
[ 4]
Dany Laferrière , Richard Sadler
How to Make Love to a Negro Without Getting Tired (Comment faire l'amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer)
[ 19]
John Varley
1991 12th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Paul Quarrington , Eugene Lipinski
Perfectly Normal
[ 4]
Claire Wojas
Love Crazy (Amoureux fou)
[ 20]
Darrell Wasyk
Pierre Falardeau
The Party (Le Party)
André Forcier , Jacques Marcotte
An Imaginary Tale (Une Histoire inventée)
Adapted screenplay
Brian Moore
Black Robe
[ 4]
James DeFelice , Anne Wheeler
Angel Square
[ 20]
Léa Pool , Laurent Gagliardi , Michel Langlois
The Savage Woman (La Demoiselle sauvage)
1992 13th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Jean-Claude Lauzon
[ 21]
Paul Donovan , Bill Fleming
Buried on Sunday
[ 22]
Paul Tana , Bruno Ramirez
The Saracen Woman (La Sarrasine)
Jeff Schultz
North of Pittsburgh
Francis Damberger
Adapted screenplay
David Cronenberg
Naked Lunch
[ 21]
Kelly Rebar
Bordertown Café
[ 22]
Yvon Rivard , Jacques Leduc
Phantom Life (La Vie fantôme)
David Brandes
The Quarrel
Gail Singer
True Confections
1993 14th Genie Awards
Peggy Thompson
The Lotus Eaters
[ 4]
Suzette Couture , Pierre Sarrazin
La Florida
[ 23]
Atom Egoyan
François Girard , Don McKellar
Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould
David King
Harmony Cats
1994 15th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Atom Egoyan
[ 4]
Mina Shum
Double Happiness
[ 24]
Gilles Desjardins
Les Pots cassés
Roger Cantin
Léa Pool
Desire in Motion (Mouvements du désir)
Adapted screenplay
Brad Fraser
Love and Human Remains
[ 4]
Jefferson Lewis
Ordinary Magic
[ 24]
Paul Quarrington , Richard J. Lewis
Whale Music
1995 16th Genie Awards
Gerald Wexler , Mort Ransen
Margaret's Museum
[ 4]
Sylvain Guy
Black List (Liste noire)
[ 25]
Clément Virgo
Stephen Williams
Soul Survivor
1996 17th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Pierre Gang
Not Me! (Sous-sol)
[ 4]
Andrew Rai Berzins
Blood and Donuts
[ 26]
Gilles Carle
Poor Man's Pudding (Pudding chômeur)
Donald Martin
Never Too Late
Peter Wellington , Doug Smith
The Boys Club
Adapted screenplay
David Cronenberg
[ 4]
Noel S. Baker
Hard Core Logo
[ 26]
Michel Marc Bouchard , Linda Gaboriau
John L'Ecuyer
Curtis's Charm
Robert Lepage , Marie Brassard
Polygraph (Le Polygraphe)
1997 18th Genie Awards
Thom Fitzgerald
The Hanging Garden
[ 4]
Atom Egoyan
The Sweet Hereafter
[ 27]
André Forcier
The Countess of Baton Rouge (La Comtesse de Bâton Rouge)
Gabriel Pelletier , Yves Pelletier , Andrée Pelletier , Ann Burke
Lynne Stopkewich , Angus Fraser
1998 19th Genie Awards
François Girard , Don McKellar
The Red Violin
[ 28]
Don McKellar
Last Night
[ 29]
André Morency , Robert Lepage
Allan Scott
Sooni Taraporevala
Such a Long Journey
1999 20th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Louis Bélanger
Post Mortem
[ 4]
Bruce McCulloch
Dog Park
[ 30]
Jeremy Podeswa
The Five Senses
Léa Pool
Set Me Free (Emporte-moi)
Monique Proulx
The Big Snake of the World (Le Grand Serpent du monde)
Adapted screenplay
Atom Egoyan
Felicia's Journey
[ 4]
François Bouvier , Marc Robitaille
Winter Stories (Histoires d'hiver)
[ 30]
Jean-Philippe Duval , Alexis Martin
Matroni and Me (Matroni et moi)
Kim Hogan
Heart of the Sun
Wayne Johnston
The Divine Ryans
Monique Proulx , Jean Beaudin
Memories Unlocked (Souvenirs intimes)
2000 21st Genie Awards
Denis Villeneuve
[ 31]
Denys Arcand , Jacob Potashnik
Frank Borg
My Father's Angel
Michel Marc Bouchard , Gilles Desjardins
The Orphan Muses (Les Muses orphelines)
Clement Virgo
Love Come Down
2001 22nd Genie Awards
Paul Apak Angilirq
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
[ 32]
Renny Bartlett
Catherine Martin
Marriages (Mariages)
Judith Thompson
Lost and Delirious
André Turpin
Soft Shell Man (Un crabe dans la tête)
2002 23rd Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Deepa Mehta
[ 33]
Atom Egoyan
Paul Gross , John Krizanc
Men with Brooms
Robert Morin
The Negro (Le nèg')
Jean-Phillipe Pearson , Patrice Robitaille , Ricardo Trogi
Adapted screenplay
Sharon Riis
Savage Messiah
[ 33]
Dominique Demers
The Mysterious Miss C. (La Mystérieuse mademoiselle C.)
Patrick McGrath
Edward Riche
Rare Birds
Judith Thompson
Perfect Pie
2003 24th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Denys Arcand
The Barbarian Invasions (Les Invasions barbares)
Louis Bélanger
Gaz Bar Blues
[ 34]
Sébastien Rose
How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause (Comment ma mère accoucha de moi durant sa ménopause)
Ken Scott
Seducing Doctor Lewis (La Grande séduction)
Peter Wellington
Adapted screenplay
Robert Lepage
Far Side of the Moon (La Face cachée de la lune)
Maurice Chauvet
Owning Mahowny
[ 34]
Daniel MacIvor
Marion Bridge
Charles Martin Smith
The Snow Walker
Esta Spalding
Falling Angels
2004 25th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Francis Leclerc , Marcel Beaulieu
Looking for Alexander (Mémoires affectives)
[ 35]
Denise Filiatrault
Bittersweet Memories (Ma vie en cinémascope)
Federico Hidalgo , Paulina Robles
A Silent Love
Don McKellar , Michael Goldbach
David "Sudz" Sutherland
Love, Sex and Eating the Bones
Adapted screenplay
Luc Dionne , Sylvain Guy
Machine Gun Molly (Monica la mitraille)
[ 35]
Joël Champetier , Daniel Roby
White Skin (La Peau blanche)
Jerry Ciccoritti
Todd Klinck , Jaie Laplante , John Palmer
Jacob Tierney
2005 26th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Jean-Marc Vallée , François Boulay
[ 36]
Louise Archambault
Michael Dowse
It's All Gone Pete Tong
Deepa Mehta
Luc Picard
Audition (L'Audition)
Adapted screenplay
Atom Egoyan
Where the Truth Lies
[ 36]
Diane Cailhier
The Outlander (Le Survenant)
David Christensen
Six Figures
Luc Dionne
Nathalie Petrowski
Maman Last Call
2006 27th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Philippe Falardeau
Martin Girard , Ghyslaine Côté
A Family Secret (Le secret de ma mère)
[ 37]
Stéphane Lapointe
The Secret Life of Happy People (La Vie secrète des gens heureux)
Ken Scott
The Little Book of Revenge (Guide de la petite vengeance)
Ken Scott
The Rocket (Maurice Richard)
Adapted screenplay
Robert Favreau , Gil Courtemanche
A Sunday in Kigali (Un dimanche à Kigali)
Mike Clattenburg , Robb Wells
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie
François Létourneau
2007 28th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Steven Knight
Eastern Promises
[ 38]
Denys Arcand
Days of Darkness (L'Âge des ténèbres)
Douglas Coupland
Everything's Gone Green
Pierre Lamothe, Claude Lalonde
The 3 L'il Pigs (Les 3 p'tits cochons)
Marc-André Lavoie , Simon Olivier Fecteau and David Gauthier
Adapted screenplay
Sarah Polley
Away From Her
[ 38]
Michael Donovan
Shake Hands With the Devil
Maureen Medved
The Tracey Fragments
2008 29th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Bernard Émond
The Necessities of Life (Ce qu'il faut pour vivre)
[ 39]
Randall Cole
Real Time
Travis McDonald
Deepa Mehta
Heaven on Earth
Guillaume Vigneault
Everything Is Fine (Tout est parfait)
Adapted screenplay
Marie-Sissi Labrèche , Lyne Charlebois
[ 39]
Richie Mehta , Shaun Mehta
Jeremy Podeswa
Fugitive Pieces
2009 30th Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Jacques Davidts
[ 40]
David Bezmozgis
Victoria Day
Atom Egoyan
Émile Gaudreault , Ian Lauzon
Father and Guns (De père en flic)
Charles Officer , Ingrid Veninger
Adapted screenplay
Kari Skogland
Fifty Dead Men Walking
[ 40]
Tony Burgess
Marie-Hélène Cousineau , Susan Avingaq , Madeline Ivalu
Before Tomorrow (Le jour avant le lendemain )
2010 31st Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Jacob Tierney
The Trotsky
[ 41]
Peter Stebbings
Adriana Maggs
Grown Up Movie Star
Louis Bélanger , Alexis Martin
Route 132
Claude Lalonde
Adapted screenplay
Denis Villeneuve
[ 41]
Michael Konyves
Barney's Version
Lee MacDougall
High Life
Vic Sarin , Dennis Foon , Catherine Spear
A Shine of Rainbows
Patrick Senécal
7 Days (Les 7 jours du Talion)
2011 32nd Genie Awards
Original screenplay
Ken Scott , Martin Petit
[ 42]
Anne Émond
Nuit #1
Eilis Kirwan , Larysa Kondracki
The Whistleblower
Jean-Marc Vallée
Café de Flore
Ryan Ward , Matthew Heiti
Son of the Sunshine
Adapted screenplay
Philippe Falardeau
Monsieur Lazhar
[ 42]
Ryan Redford
Oliver Sherman
Steven Silver
The Bang Bang Club
David F. Shamoon
In Darkness
2012 1st Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Kim Nguyen
War Witch (Rebelle)
Jason Buxton
[ 43]
Xavier Dolan
Laurence Anyways
Bernard Émond
All That You Possess (Tout ce que tu possèdes)
Michael McGowan
Still Mine
Adapted screenplay
Salman Rushdie
Midnight's Children
Jay Baruchel , Evan Goldberg
[ 43]
David Cronenberg
Anita Doron
The Lesser Blessed
Martin Villeneuve
Mars and April (Mars et Avril)
2013 2nd Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Shannon Masters
Empire of Dirt
Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais , Marc Tulin
Richie Mehta
Sébastien Pilote
The Dismantling (Le Démantèlement)
Jonathan Sobol
The Art of the Steal
Adapted screenplay
Elan Mastai
The F Word
Michel Marc Bouchard , Xavier Dolan
Tom at the Farm (Tom à la ferme)
Javier Gullón
Robert Lepage
Ken Scott , Michael Dowse
The Grand Seduction
2014 3rd Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Xavier Dolan
Pearl Ball-Harding , Albert Shin
In Her Place
[ 44]
Atom Egoyan , David Fraser
The Captive
Stéphane Lafleur
You're Sleeping Nicole (Tu dors Nicole)
Bruce Wagner
Maps to the Stars
Adapted screenplay
Nicolas Billon
Elephant Song
Scott Abramovitch
The Calling
Joel Thomas Hynes
Cast No Shadow
2015 4th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Benjamin August
Anne Émond
Our Loved Ones (Les Êtres chers)
[ 45]
Philippe Falardeau
My Internship in Canada (Guibord s'en va-t'en-guerre)
Matthew Hansen
André Turpin
Adapted screenplay
Emma Donoghue
Josh Epstein , Kyle Rideout
[ 45]
Wiebke von Carolsfeld
The Saver
2016 5th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Daniel MacIvor
Kevan Funk
Hello Destroyer
[ 46]
Zacharias Kunuk
Searchers (Maliglutit)
Johnny Ma
Old Stone
Stella Meghie
Jean of the Joneses
Adapted screenplay
Xavier Dolan
It's Only the End of the World (Juste la fin du monde)
Bachir Bensaddek
Montreal, White City (Montréal la blanche)
[ 46]
David Bezmozgis
2017 6th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Sherry White
Josh Epstein , Kyle Rideout
Adventures in Public School
Sadaf Foroughi
Kathleen Hepburn
Never Steady, Never Still
Sarah Kolasky , Adam Garnet Jones
Great Great Great
Adapted screenplay
Anita Doron
The Breadwinner
Nicole Bélanger
Cross My Heart (Les Rois mongols)
Susan Coyne
The Man Who Invented Christmas
Simon Lavoie
The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes)
Gabriel Sabourin
It's the Heart That Dies Last (C'est le cœur qui meurt en dernier)
2018 7th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Catherine Léger
Slut in a Good Way (Charlotte a du fun)
Renée Beaulieu
Les Salopes, or the Naturally Wanton Pleasure of Skin (Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau)
Marc Bisaillon
With Love (L'Amour)
Philippe Lesage
Genesis (Genèse)
Guillaume Lemans
Just a Breath Away (Dans la brume)
Adapted screenplay
Robert Budreau
Sharon Lewis
Brown Girl Begins
Nathan Parker
Our House
Arturo Pérez Torres
The Drawer Boy
Paul Risacher , Claude Landry , Maxime Landry
Racetime (La Course des tuques)
2019 8th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Kathleen Hepburn , Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open
[ 47]
Jonas Chernick , Jeremy Lalonde
James vs. His Future Self
[ 48]
Anne Émond
Young Juliette (Jeune Juliette)
Matthew Rankin
The Twentieth Century
Calvin Thomas , Yonah Lewis
White Lie
Adapted screenplay
Sophie Deraspe
[ 47]
Louise Archambault
And the Birds Rained Down (Il pleuvait des oiseaux)
[ 48]
Denis Côté
Ghost Town Anthology (Répertoire des villes disparus)
Guillaume de Fontenay , Guillaume Vigneault , Jean Barbe
Sympathy for the Devil (Sympathie pour le diable)
Myriam Verreault , Naomi Fontaine
2020 9th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Charles Officer , Wendy Motion Brathwaite
Akilla's Escape
[ 49]
Jeff Barnaby
Blood Quantum
[ 50]
Sean Durkin
The Nest
Sophie Dupuis
Underground (Souterrain)
Evan Morgan
The Kid Detective
Adapted screenplay
Shyam Selvadurai , Deepa Mehta
Funny Boy
[ 49]
Johnny Darrell , Andrew Duncan , Loretta Todd
Monkey Beach
[ 50]
Patrick deWitt
French Exit
Catherine Léger
Goddess of the Fireflies (La déesse des mouches à feu)
Taylor Olson
Bone Cage
2021 10th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Danis Goulet
Night Raiders
[ 51]
Igor Drljaca
The White Fortress (Tabija)
[ 52]
Bretten Hannam
Kaveh Nabatian
Without Havana (Sin la Habana)
Mark O'Brien
The Righteous
Adapted screenplay
Catherine Hernandez
[ 51]
David Bezmozgis , Erik Rutherford
[ 52]
Sylvain Guy
Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions)
Fred Pellerin
The Time Thief (L'Arracheuse de temps)
Éric Tessier
You Will Remember Me (Tu te souviendras de moi)
2022 11th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Anthony Shim
Riceboy Sleeps
[ 53]
Marie Clements
Bones of Crows
[ 54]
Sadaf Foroughi
Summer with Hope
Sophie Jarvis
Until Branches Bend
Stéphane Lafleur , Éric K. Boulianne
Adapted screenplay
Clement Virgo
[ 53]
Charlotte Le Bon
Falcon Lake
[ 54]
Catherine Léger
2023 12th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Ariane Louis-Seize , Christine Doyon
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant)
[ 55]
Monia Chokri
The Nature of Love (Simple comme Sylvain)
[ 56]
Brandon Cronenberg
Infinity Pool
Delphine Girard
Through the Night (Quitter la nuit)
Cody Lightning , Samuel Miller
Hey, Viktor!
Pascal Plante
Red Rooms (Les Chambres rouges)
Adapted screenplay
Matt Johnson , Matthew Miller
[ 55]
Sarah-Maude Beauchesne
Billie Blue (Cœur de slush)
[ 56]
Éric K. Boulianne , Francis Leclerc
The Dishwasher (Le Plongeur)
Jacques Davidts
Fawzia Mirza
The Queen of My Dreams
Alexandra Weir
North of Normal
2024 13th Canadian Screen Awards
Original screenplay
Henry Bernadet , Isabelle Brouillette , Nicolas Krief
Gamma Rays (Les Rayons gammma)
Karen Chapman
Village Keeper
Kaniehtiio Horn
Sarah Lévesque , François Péloquin
The Thawing of Ice (La fonte des glaces)
Matthew Rankin , Pirouz Nemati , Ila Firouzabadi
Universal Language (Une langue universelle)
Jerome Yoo
Adapted screenplay
Jason Buxton
Sharp Corner
Sophie Deraspe , Mathyas Lefebure
Shepherds (Bergers)
Atom Egoyan
Seven Veils
Sébastien Girard
Blue Sky Jo (La petite et le vieux)
Naomi Jaye
Darkest Miriam
Sook-Yin Lee , Joanne Sarazen
Paying for It
^ Knelman, Martin (September 4, 2012). "Genie and Gemini Awards become the Canadian Screen Awards" . Toronto Star . Archived from the original on March 22, 2018.
^ Johnson, Brian D. (January 15, 2013). "Introducing the Canadian Screen Awards, and their 2013 nominees" . Maclean's . Archived from the original on June 5, 2019.
^ 2020 Canadian Screen Awards: Film Rules & Regulations (PDF) . Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television . 2020. p. 13. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 May 2020. Retrieved 10 May 2020 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw Maria Topalovich, And the Genie Goes To...: Celebrating 50 Years of the Canadian Film Awards . Stoddart Publishing , 2000. ISBN 0-7737-3238-1 .
^ Les Wedman, "'Lies' named Canada's best at Film Awards". Windsor Star , October 25, 1976.
^ a b Frank Daley, "Omens good for film awards show" . Ottawa Journal , November 19, 1977.
^ "Four films nominated for Etrogs". The Globe and Mail , August 24, 1978.
^ a b Jay Scott , "Changeling leads Canadian Film Award nominees". The Globe and Mail , February 8, 1980.
^ a b Jay Scott , "Genie nominations released". The Globe and Mail , February 10, 1981.
^ a b Jay Scott , "Les Plouffe, Ticket to Heaven lead the pack: Academy lists Genie nominees". The Globe and Mail , February 4, 1982.
^ a b Jay Scott , "Top Genie prospects for Jack Miner move". The Globe and Mail , February 10, 1983.
^ "Melanie adaptation Genie returned". Cinema Canada , No. 96 (May 1983). p. 12.
^ Jay Scott , "11 nominations for Chapdelaine in Genie race". The Globe and Mail , February 10, 1984.
^ Jay Scott , "Bay Boy reels in 11 Genie nominations". The Globe and Mail , February 15, 1985.
^ "Scorecard of major nominees for tonight's Genie Awards on TV". Toronto Star , March 20, 1986.
^ a b John Allemang, "Arcand's Decline tops Genie nominations with 13". The Globe and Mail , February 5, 1987.
^ Liam Lacey, "Quebec film picks up 14 nominations: Zoo paces race for Genies". The Globe and Mail , February 17, 1988.
^ a b "Genie Award Nominees 1989". Cinema Canada . February–March 1989. pp. 27– 35.
^ a b "Bye Bye Blues in running for Genie Awards". Vancouver Sun , February 14, 1990.
^ a b "Genie candidates announced". Edmonton Journal , October 10, 1991.
^ a b Murray, Karen (November 22, 1992). " 'Lunch' eats up 8 Canadian Genies" . Variety . Archived from the original on August 27, 2016.
^ a b "Genie Award nominations". Toronto Star , November 20, 1992.
^ "Genie nominations". Calgary Herald , October 20, 1993.
^ a b "The 1994 Genie nominees" . Playback . November 7, 1994. Archived from the original on June 3, 2021. Retrieved June 1, 2021 .
^ "Nominees for the 1995 Genie Awards". Canadian Press , November 7, 1995.
^ a b "Over-the-edge Canadian films poised for Genie nod". Canadian Press , November 24, 1996.
^ "The 1997 Genie Awards" . Playback . November 17, 1997. Archived from the original on March 24, 2017.
^ Binning, Cheryl (February 8, 1999). "Violin tops Genies" . Playback . Archived from the original on March 4, 2017.
^ "Two films lead Genie pack". Waterloo Region Record , December 8, 1998.
^ a b Lacey, Liam (January 28, 2000). "They dream of Genies" . The Globe and Mail . Archived from the original on February 18, 2017.
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