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List of Maltese dishes

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Some Maltese vegetable dishes

The following is a list of dishes in Maltese cuisine:


  • Żebbuġ mimli (pitted green olives stuffed with tuna mixture)
  • Fażola bajda bit-tewm u t-tursin (white beans with parsley, garlic and olive oil)
  • Ful bit-tewm
  • Bigilla (mashed "Tic beans "known in Malta as "Ful Ta' Ġirba" (Djerba beans))
  • Galletti (Maltese biscuit)
  • Bebbux (escargot)
  • Arjoli (dip, a Maltese version of aioli without eggs but with added breadcrumbs/crushed galletti, tomato paste and various other pureed ingredients such as olives, capers, onions and anchovies, and herbs such as mint and parsley)


Kusksu is traditionally eaten during Lent.
  • Brodu (beef or chicken broth)
  • Minestra (Maltese version of minestrone, a thick soup of Italian origin made with vegetables)
  • Kusksu (vegetable soup with small pasta beads called kusksu and fresh broad beans in season)
  • Soppa tal-armla Widow's Soup (vegetable soup with fresh cheeselets and beaten eggs)
  • Aljotta (fish soup with plenty of garlic, herbs, and tomatoes)
  • Kawlata (cabbage and pork soup)

Pasta and rice

A slice of timpana




Grilled calamari

Eggs and cheeses


Vegetable-based entrees and side dishes

Qargħabagħli mimli (stuffed marrows)

Savoury pastries

Spinach and Pea Qassata with salted tuna, anchovies and herbs




Qagħaq tal-ħmira




  1. ^ Sweet Delights from a Thousand and One Nights: The Story of Traditional Arab Sweets, Habeeb Salloum, Muna Salloum, I.B.Tauris, Λονδίνο 2013, σελ. 132, ISBN 9781780764641
  2. ^ Proceedings of the First Congress on Mediterranean Studies of Arbo-Berber Influence, Micheline Galley, David R. Marshall, Société nationale d'édition et de diffusion, 1973